Tips to prevent infections transmitted by mosquitoes
During the 10 days after the onset of symptoms you must:
Avoid the bite of mosquitoes:
- Avoid unnecessary trips out of the home or work place.
- Cut down outdoor activities at the times mosquitoes are most active (two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset). They usually bang in the feet, ankles and legs. If you go out despite everything, avoid areas with stagnated water.
- Make use of repellents with DEET (diethyltoluamide), icaridin or IR3535 (ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate) as long as some activity is carried out outdoors. These repellents are fit for pregnant women. Repellents based on DEET are not suitable for infants under 2 years.
- Wear long sleeves and long trousers (better in clear colours) and socks.
- Keep doors and windows closed and use mosquito nets in bed and in doors and windows.
Prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes in the environment:
- Make sure there is no stagnated water around.
- In containers with no lid (for example, animal troughs) water must be renewed twice a week at least.
In the coming days, a team from the Service for Mosquito Control in your vicinity will get in touch with you to spot any larvae, pupae and adults of mosquito, if any.
- The end of this Service is to apply the necessary preventive and control measures, if necessary, through pesticides.